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Showing posts with label daisy. Show all posts

Golden Peaks - Rücksetzer nach Plan

21.09.2011 | 13:13 Uhr | Kämmerer, Christian
Die sich bereits zur vergangenen Analyse vom 29. Juli andeutende Schwächephase des Explorations- und Ressourcenentwicklungsunternehmens Golden Peaks Resources Ltd. bewahrheitete sich in voller Gänze. Die Aktie setzte dementsprechend weiter zurück und viel bereits bis nahe dem Unterstützungsbereich von 0,30 USD. Der Druck hält somit weiter und kann durchaus zu noch tieferen Kursnotierungen führen. Weitere Details zur möglichen Folgetendenz erfahren Sie im anschließenden Fazit.

Quelle Charts: Tradesignal Web Edition

Quelle Charts:


Der Golden Peaks Aktie droht unterhalb des nunmehrigen Widerstandsbereichs von 0,46 USD eine Korrekturfortsetzung bis zunächst 0,30 USD. Durchbricht die Aktie auch noch diesen Unterstützungsbereich, drohen nochmals 50 Prozent an Rückschlagspotenzial bis zum Allzeittief von 0,15 USD. Einzig eine Stabilisierung oberhalb von 0,30 USD, mitsamt anschließender Rückkehr über das Niveau von 0,46 USD, könnte der Aktie die notwendige Kraft verleihen wieder ein Erfolgsfaktor in einem Depo zu werden.

Oberhalb von 0,46 USD würde sich nämlich weiteres Aufwärtspotenzial bis 0,65 und darüber hinaus bis in den Bereich von 0,80 USD ergeben. Doch nach aktueller Einschätzung erscheinen Kursniveaus um 0,80 USD eher unwahrscheinlich.

Quelle Charts: Tradesignal Web Edition

Long Szenario:

Die Chartsituation ist äußerst angespannt und lässt wenig Aussicht auf anziehende Kurse zu. Dennoch wäre eine Stabilisierung über 0,30 USD ein Hoffnungsschimmer mit der Tendenz das nunmehrige Widerstandsniveau von 0,46 USD überwinden zu können. Darüber würde sich weiteres Potenzial bis 0,65 bzw. 0,80 USD erschließen.

Short Szenario:

Die Bären bleiben unverändert im Vorteil und scheinen das Niveau von 0,30 USD fest im Visier zu haben. Ein Unterschreiten dieses Unterstützungslevels sollte in der Konsequenz zu weiteren Abgaben bis hin zum Allzeittief bei 0,15 USD führen. Die Aktie verliert sich demnach mehr und mehr im Penny-Stock-Universum. Weitere Rücksetzer natürlich nicht ausgeschlossen.


Golden Peaks – 4 Fakten sprechen für diese Goldaktie!

Golden Peaks Resources / TSX: GL / WKN: 905815

Angaben vom 14. September 2011
Kurs in Frankfurt: 0,295 Euro
Kurs in Toronto (TSX Stock Exchange): 0,40 Kanadische Dollar
Marktkapitalisierung: 45,3 Millionen Kanadische Dollar
Ausstehende Aktienanzahl: 113,3 Millionen Stück
6-Monats-Kursziel: 0,52 EUR bzw. 0,70 CAD
6-Monats-Potenzial: 75 Prozent
Langfristiges Potenzial: ~3.550 Prozent

Die Eskalation der Schuldensituation in Europa treibt immer mehr Anleger ins Gold. Im August wurde erstmals die Marke von 1.900 US-Dollar überschritten. Mit einer leichten zeitlichen Verzögerung haben auch viele Goldminenaktien diese Bewegung nachvollzogen, der NYSE Arca Gold Bugs Index (HUI) konnte vor wenigen Tagen den Widerstand bei 610 US-Dollar überwinden. Investoren sind deshalb auf der Suche nach "Nachzüglern", also nach Goldminenaktien, die bisher quasi übersehen wurden, und deshalb die Aufwärtsbewegung nicht mitgemacht haben.

Golden Peaks Resources ist so ein Nachzügler

Warum? Lassen wir einzig und allein die Fakten sprechen:

Fakt Nummer 1: Top-Management
Golden Peaks wird von einem absoluten Top-Management geleitet, das sein Können schon unter Beweis gestellt hat. Die selben Leute, die heute bei Golden Peaks das Sagen haben, haben von 2008 an auch schon die Gesellschaft Robust Resources aufgebaut. Robust ist wie Golden Peaks in Indonesien aktiv. Der Aktienkurs von Robust kletterte von Ende 2008 bis Anfang 2010 von 0,04 Euro auf 1,46 Euro. Ein Plus von gigantischen 3.550 Prozent!!!

Fakt Nummer 2: Reiche Goldvorkommen
Was ist das Wichtigste, was ein Goldminenunternehmen haben sollte? Richtig! Gold. Und das hat Golden Peaks. Kleine Kostprobe? Ein zentrales Projekt ist Tanoyan auf der indonesischen Insel Sulawesi. Von diesem Projekt werden aktuell laufend gute Bohrergebnisse gemeldet. Die letzten wurden zum Beispiel am 7. September veröffentlicht. Auf kurzen Teilstrecken eines Bohrlochs konnten Goldgehalte von 38,2 Gramm je Tonne Gestein nachgewiesen werden. Aber auch auf längeren Teilstrecken ist man erfolgreich, und das ist wichtig, denn nur so lohnt sich ein Abbau. So wurde auf einer Länge von über 18 Metern ein durchschnittlicher Goldgehalt von 4,4 Gramm je Tonne ermittelt. Der Verlauf der angebohrten Goldvene lässt zudem den Schluss zu, dass sich diese sowohl in die Tiefe wie auch in Richtung Norden über eine längere Strecke fortsetzt. Und Tanoyan ist nur ein Projekt von insgesamt fünf (alle liegen in Indonesien).

Fakt Nummer 3: Gute Voraussetzungen im Förderland
Indonesien, hier liegen alle zentralen Projekte von Golden Peaks, will die Goldförderung. Denn was bringt mir das tollste Goldvorkommen, wenn die Regierung, wenn die Menschen dagegen sind. In Indonesien erhofft man sich durch die Goldförderung neue Arbeitsplätze und Steuereinnahmen. Zudem liegen in Indonesien die durchschnittlichen Löhne für Arbeiter deutlich unter dem Niveau anderer Goldförderländern. Das ist für Golden Peaks ein Riesenvorteil, denn gerade die Gehälter für Minenarbeiter sind in den letzten Jahren rasant angestiegen.

Und noch etwas spricht für Indonesien. Das Land bildet quasi mit China im Norden und Indien im Westen ein "Goldenes Dreieck". Denn die weltweit größte Nachfrage nach Gold kommt aus China und Indien. Indonesien könnte mit seinen Goldvorkommen somit zum zentralen Goldförderland in Asien aufsteigen.

Fakt Nummer 4: Investoren machen mit
Wieder so ein Punkt, der oft vergessen, aber für den Erfolg eines Unternehmens extrem wichtig ist. Ohne Investoren läuft fast nichts. Und bei Golden Peaks machen sie mit. Erst im März wurde eine Kapitalerhöhung untergebracht. Es wurden vier Millionen Aktien zu 0,50 CAD platziert, was deutlich über dem aktuellen Kurs liegt. Zudem wurden Optionen ausgegeben, die zum Bezug von weiteren Aktien binnen zwölf Monaten zu je 0,65 CAD berechtigen. Und genau hieraus leiten wir auch unser aktuelles Kursziel ab.

Wir setzen unser 6-Monatskurziel auf mindestens 0,70 CAD, was einem prozentualen Plus von 75 Prozent entspricht.

Denn nur dann macht es für die Investoren der Kapitalerhöhung vom März 2011 Sinn, weitere Aktien zu beziehen. Das ist freilich nur eine "börseninterne Spielerei". Mittel- bis langfristig wird natürlich allein der Unternehmenserfolg über den Aktienkurs entscheiden. Und hier orientieren wir uns an Robust Resources. Schafft das Ex-Management, das jetzt bei Golden Peaks arbeitet, einen ähnlichen Erfolg, nun dann... ständen wir irgendwann einmal bei 14,20 CAD bzw. 10,50 EUR... Denn Sie erinnern sich?! 3.550 Prozent stehen als Zielmarke im Raum!!!


Golden Peaks Limited (TSX: GL) - Pressemeldung

News Release - Monday, September 12, 2011
18.85 metres at 4.4 g/t Au Intersected at Tanoyan

  • Diamond Drill Hole TND 075 intersects:
    • 18.85 metres at 4.4 g/t Au including 2m at 33.0 g/t Au
  • Northern-most result yet from main Sondana Vein Phase 1 drilling
  • Richest drill intersection to date
  • Mineralisation open along strike and at depth
Golden Peaks Limited (TSX: GL) (the company) is pleased to announce drilling results from diamond drill hole TND075, which is the most recent from the Tondana Vein system, Tanoyan Gold Project, Sulawesi, Indonesia. This hole intersected gold-bearing quartz vein over a drilled width of 18.85 metres, approximately 70 metres below surface:
  • TND 075: 18.85 metres at 4.4 g/t Au from 96.2m, including 2.0 metres at 33.0 g/t Au from 98.25m
The TND 075 result is considered important for several reasons:
  • It confirms the strength of the Sondana vein system to the north.
  • It is the northern-most "effective and complete" test of the Sondana vein
  • The mineralized zone is open at depth and to the north (Fig 1) and cross section
  • Demonstrates the potential for relatively deep, high-grade mineralization.
  • The structural knowledge about Tanoyan is reaching a high level whereby it is possible for the company's geologists to target the auriferous quartz veins even where little of no surface indications are evident.
Golden Peaks' President Scott Emerson commented: "The completion of hole TND 075 is an important milestone as it is the richest gold intersection made so far by the company. It opens up the exciting potential of the northern section of the Sondana vein and it shows that relatively deep veins at Tanoyan can host very high grade gold. Rig 1 continues to drill the northern sections of the Sondana vein and additional results are expected in due course. The planning for the 10,000 metre Phase 2 drilling program is at an advanced stage and will include follow-up of the exciting result in TND 075"

Table 1: Tanoyan Project Drilling Results

DH No. Zone 51 N UTM Vein From To Interval Au Interpreted
East North (m) (m) (m) (g/t) True Width (m)
TND075 639572 67409 Sondana 79.3 81.3 2 1.5  
        96.2 115.05 18.85 4.4  
      incl 98.25 100.25 2 33.0  

The company currently owns two drill rigs and they are being operated by PT Maiwadrill Resources Antarnusa. Rig 1 is drilling the Sondana Vein system, rig 2 has concentrated on the Modupola Vein system which is located approximately 1 Km to the east of Sondana Vein. Both veins systems are part of an extensive system of auriferous quartz veins, hosted by andesitic volcanics, which have been traced over a strike length of approximately 5,600 metres.

All samples were assayed by Intertek Indonesia; a division of the global Intertek Group PLC.

Core is collected and initially logged at Tanoyan Base Camp at the project area. The core is then securely transported in closed core boxes to Golden Peaks' Exploration Office in Kotamobagu, North Sulawesi. Here the core is logged in detail, cut longitudinally into 2 equal halves and half-core is sampled at 1 meter intervals; except where the geology dictates a lesser sampling interval. Half core is permanently retained, as a reference, in the secure Kotamobagu core-storage facility. All QC samples are introduced before the bagged samples are trucked to PT Intertek Laboratory's sample preparation facility in Manado. Prepared samples are then couriered by PT Intertek to their analytical facility in Jakarta for analyses.

Gold is fire assayed using a 50.0 gram aliquot sample with an AA finish. Multi-element analysis is by Four Acid Digestion using an Induced Coupled Plasma (ICP) finish.

The Company's QA/QC program now includes the regular insertion of blanks, multiple certified assay standards into the sample shipments. Locally-sourced blank samples are inserted in every assay batch of 10 samples. Commercial standards are inserted in every assay batch of 25 samples. Sludge samples are also collected and assayed on a 1 metre interval from the drilling fluid circulation return. Regular monitoring of these QC samples is a critical part of Golden Peak's QA/QC protocols.

This press release has been reviewed and approved by Mr. John Levings, B.Sc., FAusIMM, director of Golden Peaks Resources Limited and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, under whose direction the exploration programs are being carried out.

Media Information, contact:
Scott Emerson, President

Investor Information, contact:
Mike Kordysz, Investor Communications

The statements herein that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. These statements address future events and conditions and so involve inherent risks and uncertainties, as disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" in the company's periodic filings with Canadian securities regulators. Actual results could differ from those currently projected. The Company does not assume the obligation to update any forward-looking statement.

Figure 1: Sondana Vein Drill Plan show location of new and historical drilling results

Copyright © 2011 GOLDEN PEAKS RESOURCES LTD. (TSX-V:GL) All rights reserved. For more information visit our website at or send email to .


Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einer unterbewerteten Goldaktie?

Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einer unterbewerteten Goldaktie?

Golden Peaks / TSX: GL / WKN: 905815
aktueller Kurse:
Frankfurt: 0,256 EUR
Toronto: 0,40 CAD

Die Eskalation der Schuldensituation in Europa treibt immer mehr Anleger in das Gold. Im August wurde erstmals die Marke von 1.900 US-Dollar überschritten. Mit einer leichten zeitlichen Verzögerung haben auch viele Goldminenaktien diese Bewegung nachvollzogen, der NYSE Arca Gold Bugs Index (HUI) konnte vor wenigen Tagen den Widerstand bei 610 US-Dollar überwinden. Investoren sind deshalb auf der Suche nach "Nachzüglern", also nach Goldminenaktien, die bisher quasi übersehen wurden und deshalb die Aufwärtsbewegung nicht mitgemacht haben. Trendaktien kann in diesem Zusammenhang nur auf Golden Peaks aufmerksam machen. Das Unternehmen, das von einem erfahrenen Management geleitet wird, besitzt hervorragende Assets auf einigen indonesischen Inseln. Vor allem vom Projekt Tanoyan auf der Insel Sulawesi kommen derzeit laufend gute Bohrergebnisse. Die letzten wurden zum Beispiel am 7. September veröffentlicht. Auf kurzen Teilstrecken eines Bohrlochs konnten Goldgehalte von 38,2 Gramm je Tonne Gestein nachgewiesen werden. Der Boden ist also sehr goldhaltig, was Hoffnung auf weitere Spitzenfunde macht. Wir rechnen bereits in den kommenden Tagen mit solchen Nachrichten.
Bislang ist die Goldrallye an Golden Peaks nahezu spurlos vorbeigegangen. Objektive Gründe dafür gibt es nicht. Vielleicht spielt die Größe des Unternehmens eine gewisse Rolle. Mit einer Marktkapitalisierung von gerade einmal 45,3 Millionen Kanadischen Dollar ist die Gesellschaft anscheinend zu klein für viele Investmentfonds. Doch das ließe sich ändern, mit IHRER Hilfe!

Ihr Team von


Tanoyan Continues to Deliver Positive Drilling Results

Re:        News Release - Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Title:     Tanoyan Continues to Deliver Positive Drilling Results

  • Sondana Vein diamond drilling results include:
    • 7.3 metres at 7.2 g/t Au including 1.3 metres at 38.2 g/t Au
    • 12.3 metres at 1.7 g/t Au
    • 10.7 metres at 1.6 g/t Au
  • Sondana drilling progressing north shows trend of increasing gold grades with depth
  • Phase 2 program of 10,000 metres in planning stage

Golden Peaks Limited (TSX: GL) (the company) is pleased to announce drilling results from 11 holes into the Sondana Vein system on the Tanoyan Gold Project, Sulawesi, Indonesia (see Table 1 and Figure 1).

These holes are part of the company's systematic evaluation of the project with an aim of increasing the size and improving the classification of the existing 43-101 Inferred Mineral Resource of 2.22 Mt at 1.3 g/t for 91,100 ounces of contained gold.

Highlights of the drilling include a high-grade intersection at shallow depth in hole TND063:
  • TND 063: 7.3 metres at 7.2 g/t Au from 17.3m including 1.3 metres at 38.2 g/t Au from 22.3m
The intersection in hole TND 073 is significant as it is the northern-most result the company has yet obtained from its drilling on the Sondana Vein. Follow-up drilling in the Phase 2 program will test the down-dip extensions of this zone.

Golden Peaks' President Scott Emerson commented: "Drilling at Tanoyan continues to provide consistently strong results and the high hit-rate is an indication of the persistent nature of the gold-bearing vein system. In view of the positive results to date, our technical staff are currently planning the next stage (Phase 2) of drilling of approximately 10,000 which is aimed at delineating a mineral resource sufficient to form the basis of a mineral reserve and technical and economic feasibility study.

Table 1: Tanoyan Project Drilling Results

DH No. Vein From
TND053 Sondana 18 30.3 12.3 1.7
TND054-R Sondana 38.1 42.1 4.0 0.6

49.3 50.5 1.2 1.5
TND057 Sondana 126.1 131.55 5.45 2.3
TND059 Sondana 54.9 62.0 7.1 0.3

137.8 144.15 6.35 1.0
TND061 Sondana 60.3 79.65 19.35 0.9
TND063 Sondana 17.3 24.6 7.3 7.2
  incl 22.3 23.6 1.3 38.2
    27.6 28.6 1 0.9
TND065 Sondana no significant intersections
TND067 Sondana 10.55 11.55 1 0.4
TND069 Sondana 11.2 13.5 2.3 0.5
TND071 Sondana 14.65 21.7 7.05 0.3
TND073 Sondana 149 159.7 10.7 1.6

Drill hole data for the holes reflect down hole core lengths. True widths cannot be reliably estimated at this time

The company currently owns two drill rigs and they are being operated by PT Maiwadrill Resources Antarnusa. Rig 1 is drilling the Sondana Vein system, rig 2 has concentrated on the Modupola Vein system which is located approximately 1 Km to the east of Sondana Vein. Both veins systems are part of an extensive system of auriferous quartz veins, hosted by andesitic volcanics, which have been traced over a strike length of approximately 5,600 metres.

All samples were assayed by Intertek Indonesia; a division of the global Intertek Group PLC.

Core is collected and initially logged at Tanoyan Base Camp at the project area. The core is then securely transported in closed core boxes to Golden Peaks' Exploration Office in Kotamobagu, North Sulawesi. Here the core is logged in detail, cut longitudinally into 2 equal halves and half-core is sampled at 1 meter intervals; except where the geology dictates a lesser sampling interval. Half core is permanently retained, as a reference, in the secure Kotamobagu core-storage facility. All QC samples are introduced before the bagged samples are trucked to PT Intertek Laboratory's sample preparation facility in Manado. Prepared samples are then couriered by PT Intertek to their analytical facility in Jakarta for analyses.

Gold is fire assayed using a 50.0 gram aliquot sample with an AA finish. Multi-element analysis is by Four Acid Digestion using an Induced Coupled Plasma (ICP) finish.

The Company's QA/QC program now includes the regular insertion of blanks, multiple certified assay standards into the sample shipments. Locally-sourced blank samples are inserted in every assay batch of 10 samples. Commercial standards are inserted in every assay batch of 25 samples. Sludge samples are also collected and assayed on a 1 metre interval from the drilling fluid circulation return. Regular monitoring of these QC samples is a critical part of Golden Peak's QA/QC protocols.

This press release has been reviewed and approved by Mr. John Levings, B.Sc., FAusIMM, director of Golden Peaks Resources Limited and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, under whose direction the exploration programs are being carried out.

Media Information, contact:
Scott Emerson, President

Investor Information, contact:
Mike Kordysz, Investor Communications

The statements herein that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. These statements address future events and conditions and so involve inherent risks and uncertainties, as disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" in the company's periodic filings with Canadian securities regulators. Actual results could differ from those currently projected. The Company does not assume the obligation to update any forward-looking statement.

Figure 1: Sondana Vein Drill Plan show location of new and historical drilling results

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Tanoyan Drilling Produces Strong Drilling Results

Tanoyan Drilling Produces Strong Drilling Results

•Modupola Vein, results include:
◦16.5 metres at 2.0 g/t Au including 4.6 metres at 5.7 g/t Au
◦3.0 metres at 3.2 g/t Au
•Round the clock drilling with 2 diamond drill rigs
•Program designed to expand Tanoyan's initial NI43-101 resource of 91,100 ounces of gold
VANCOUVER, Aug. 31, 2011 /CNW/ - Golden Peaks Limited (TSX: GL) (the company) is pleased to announce drilling results from the Modupola Vein system on the Tanoyan Gold Project, Sulawesi, Indonesia.

The company currently has 2 diamond drill rigs operation at Tanoyan. Rig 1 is drilling the Sondana Vein system, rig 2 has concentrated on the Modupola Vein system which is located approximately 1 Km to the east of Sondana Vein. Both veins systems are part of an extensive system of auriferous quartz veins, hosted by andesitic volcanics, which have been traced over a strike length of approximately 5,600 metres.

Historical drilling on the Modupola vein has been less extensive than on the Sondana vein and only sparse outcrop occur in the vicinity of Modupola. For these reasons the strike and dip of the veins was not well defined, which prompted the company to initially drill a fence of holes (Fig 1) in order to strengthen the geological understanding of the system. Figure 1 ( shows that one of the holes reported here (TND060) was most likely collared in the footwall of the vein; which explains the lack of significant mineralisation in this hole. The poor surface expression of the veins in certain areas such as Modupola represents a significant additional opportunity for the company to increase the 43-101 Mineral Resource at Tanoyan by better positioning of the drill holes in the light of this recent information.

Table 1 lists the 6 holes completed so far at Modupola. Four holes have cut mineralised structures from the vein system. Two holes did not effectively test the vein; TND055 was abandoned before reaching target depth due to technical drilling problems and TND060 in interpreted to have been collared in the footwall of the main vein. Highlights of the results include intersections from holes TND 056 and TND 058:

TND 056: 16.5 metres at 2.0 g/t Au from 73.9m (Interpreted true thickness 14.1m), including

4.6 metres at 5.7 g/t Au from 73.9m (Interpreted true thickness 3.9m),

TND 058: 3.0 metres at 3.2 g/t Au from 124.75m (Interpreted true thickness 2.6m)

Figure 1 reveals a thickening of the structure of the mineralised vein at approximately 75 metres below surface. It is interpreted that this thickening represent a dilatational feature commonly found in veins of this type, which, when traced along strike, often translate into shoots of higher grade mineralisation. The principal focus of Golden Peaks current drilling campaign is the discovery and delineation of these thicker and higher-grade shoots.

Golden Peaks' President Scott Emerson commented: "This is our second release of drilling results from Tanoyan and it is a strong follow-up to the first set of results from the Sondana Vein, released recently. It is very gratifying to see consistent geological correlations of the veins and gold mineralisation in cross sections and with continued drilling, building a growing geological model which will form the basis for significantly increasing the initial NI 43-101-compliant Inferred Mineral Resource of 2.22 Mt at 1.3 g/t for 91,100 ounces of contained gold."

Table 1: Tanoyan Project Drilling Results

DH No. Zone 51 N UTM Vein From To Interval Au Interpreted
East North (m) (m) (m) (g/t) True Width (m)
TND052 641003 67563 Modupola 44.1 45.1 1.0 1.7 1.5
TND055 Modupola hole abandoned - no samples
TND056 640990 67613 Modupola 73.9 90.35 16.5 2.0 14.1
incl 73.9 83.3 9.4 3.1 8.0
incl 73.9 78.5 4.6 5.7 3.9
113.45 115.7 2.3 7.1 2.0
TND058 640942 67640 Modupola 124.75 127.75 3.0 3.2 2.6
TND060 641047 67528 Modupola hole abandoned - no samples
TND062 640915 67326 Modupola 40.9 44.9 4.0 0.8 3.4

The company currently owns two drill rigs and they are being operated by PT Maiwadrill Resources Antarnusa. All samples were assayed by Intertek Indonesia; a division of the global Intertek Group PLC.

Core is collected and initially logged at Tanoyan Base Camp at the project area. The core is then securely transported in closed core boxes to Golden Peaks' Exploration Office in Kotamobagu, North Sulawesi. Here the core is logged in detail, cut longitudinally into 2 equal halves and half-core is sampled at 1 meter intervals; except where the geology dictates a lesser sampling interval. Half core is permanently retained, as a reference, in the secure Kotamobagu core-storage facility. All QC samples are introduced before the bagged samples are trucked to PT Intertek Laboratory's sample preparation facility in Manado. Prepared samples are then couriered by PT Intertek to their analytical facility in Jakarta for analyses.

Gold is fire assayed using a 50.0 gram aliquot sample with an AA finish. Multi-element analysis is by Four Acid Digestion using an Induced Coupled Plasma (ICP) finish.

The Company's QA/QC program now includes the regular insertion of blanks, multiple certified assay standards into the sample shipments. Locally-sourced blank samples are inserted in every assay batch of 10 samples. Commercial standards are inserted in every assay batch of 25 samples. Sludge samples are also collected and assayed on a 1 metre interval from the drilling fluid circulation return. Regular monitoring of these QC samples is a critical part of Golden Peak's QA/QC protocols.

This press release has been reviewed and approved by Mr. John Levings, B.Sc., FAusIMM, director of Golden Peaks Resources Limited and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, under whose direction the exploration programs are being carried out.

The statements herein that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. These statements address future events and conditions and so involve inherent risks and uncertainties, as disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" in the company's periodic filings with Canadian securities regulators. Actual results could differ from those currently projected. The Company does not assume the obligation to update any forward-looking statement.


Jetzt sind Goldaktien gefragt

Jetzt sind Goldaktien gefragt

Der HUI springt an!

Endlich scheint der Markt verstanden zu haben, dass Goldaktien eine goldene Zukunft haben. Der Goldpreis befindet sich in einer strammen Rallye. Und das merkt jetzt auch der HUI. Der hat sich nämlich vom Abwärtstrend des breiten Aktienmarktes entkoppelt und konnte auch gestern wieder deutlich zulegen, nachdem er an der 200-Tage-Linie nach oben gesprungen ist.


Goldaktien sind Trumpf!

Der BörsenExplorer



Golden Peaks Resources Ltd. schneidet 15,5 m mit 3,1 g/t Gold

20.07.2011 | 9:03 Uhr |

Golden Peaks Resources Limited gab gestern den Erhalt von Probenergebnissen des ersten Bohrprogramms bei dem Tanoyan-Projekt in Sulawesi, Indonesien, bekannt. Das Unternehmen erhielt die Ergebnisse der ersten sieben Bohrlöcher. Sechs dieser Bohrlöcher schnitten mineralisierte Strukturen des Sondana-Adersystems. Zu den besten Abschnitten gehören:

• Bohrloch TND 049: 19,8 m mit 1,6 g/t Au ab 10,9 m

• Bohrloch TND 050: 15,5 m mit 3,1 g/t Au ab 55,6 m



Tanoyan Gold Project Drilling Update, Indonesia

Re:        News Release - Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Title:     Tanoyan Gold Project Drilling Update, Indonesia

  • Two company owned drill rigs operating
  • Previous results include 10m @ 8.8g/t Au, 7m @ 5.3 g/t Au and 20m @ 3.1 g/t Au
  • Initial drill holes to test high-grade shoots in Sondana Vein
  • Veins have strike-lengths up to 2.3 Km

Golden Peaks Resources Limited (the Company) (TSX:GL) is pleased to update drilling on the Tanoyan Gold Project on Sulawesi Island, Indonesia. The company has completed 1877 meters (15 drill holes) of the initial 5000 meter drill program.

The first holes tested for extensions of high-grade mineralisation intersected previously within the Sondana Vein in hole TND002 (Figure 1)( which intersected four zones of mineralisation, including 10m @ 8.81 g/t Au from 31m and 20m @ 3.1 g/t Au from 138m

Currently there are 2 drill rigs operating around the clock on the project, the second drill rig was moved from Palopo to Tanoyan in early May to accelerate the drilling. This is allowing work crews on the Palopo gold project to map the possible extension of Mangkaluku vein system prior to the proposed drill program.

They are now a total of 62 employees, including 50 locals associated with the exploration/drilling program at Tanoyan.

This press release has been reviewed and approved by Mr. John Levings, B.Sc., MAusIMM, director of Reliance Resources Limited and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, under whose direction the exploration programs are being carried out.

Media Information, contact:
Scott Emerson, Chairman and Director

Investor Information, contact:
Mike Kordysz, Investor Communications

The statements herein that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. These statements address future events and conditions and so involve inherent risks and uncertainties, as disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" in the company's periodic filings with Canadian securities regulators. Actual results could differ from those currently projected. The Company does not assume the obligation to update any forward-looking statement.

Copyright © 2011 GOLDEN PEAKS RESOURCES LTD. (TSX-V:GL) All rights reserved. For more information visit our website at or send email to .


Golden Peaks Res WKN: 905815 - Es geht mit Volldampf weiter!


Es geht mit Volldampf weiter!

Auf wurden 20 neue Seiten zu den Projekten in Indonesien veröffentlicht



Kapa Kapa


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Property Sizes
Tanoyan - 1,853 acres (750 Ha)
Anggrek - 2,223 acres (900 Ha)

Tanoyan and Anggrek Properties (Sulawesi Island )


Both properties are located on the northern arm of Sulawesi Island, a highly prospective terrain for epithermal gold mineralisation with a number of significant gold deposits. These include Avocet's North Lanut (0.79 Moz), Doup (0.96 Moz) and Bakan (0.51 Moz) deposits, Archipelago's Toka Tindung deposit (1.75 MOz) and Newmont's former Mesel gold mine which produced over 1.5 Moz of gold.

The Tanoyan property is the more advanced of the two properties and a mineral resource has been estimated for this property. (see 43-101 Technical Report)

Gold mineralisation at Tanoyan is located in four principal lode systems, Sondana, Ramai, Talong-Modupola and Lingkobungon, which are predominantly orientated northeast to southwest and dip steeply to the northwest or southeast. The lode systems are typically characterised by quartz veining, vein breccias and silicification within an argillic alteration envelope. Gold mineralisation is typically associated with pyrite and arsenopyrite in the lode zones.

Previous exploration programs include soil sampling, an Inverse Polarisation geophysical survey, and mapping which defined the four lode systems. Thirty two trenches were excavated and two phases of diamond drilling completed. ( 44 holes total of 6007m.)

Location and Access

Both properties are easily accessed from the regional city of Kotamobagu, which is 250km by good quality sealed road from Manado, the provincial capital of North Sulawesi. Manado has a population in excess of 2 million people and is serviced by frequent daily flights from Jakarta.

The Tanoyan property is adjacent to the village of Tanoyan which is an approximate 30 minute drive from Kotamobagu on a good quality sealed road. Access within the property is by four wheel drive vehicle on unsealed roads from Tanoyan village.

The Anggrek property is approximately one hour's drive from Kotamobagu on good quality roads. Access within the tenement is by four wheel drive vehicle on a new dirt road recently constructed.

Climate in the area is tropical with similar temperatures and high humidity all year round. Annual rainfall is approximately 2000mm which falls mainly in a wet season between December and March. The area is outside the typhoon/cyclone zone and exploration and mining can be conducted all year round.

Both Projects have a maximum elevation of app. 700 meters ASL 

Sehr gute News für Golden Peaks

Sehr gute News für Golden Peaks

Golden Peaks / TSX: GL / WKN: 905815
Aufmerksame Beobachter haben die gestrige Nachricht aus den USA vielleicht gelesen: Der US-Bundesstaat Utah hat ein Gesetz verabschiedet, das die Einführung von Gold und Silber als offizielles Zahlungsmittel vorsieht. Die Kaufkraft von Münzen wird dabei nicht nach ihrem Nennwert berechnet, sondern nach dem tatsächlichen Materialwert. In dem Gesetz verbirgt sich auch ein attraktiver Sparplan: Steigt der Marktwert gehorteter Goldmünzen, sind Gewinne von der Kapitalertragsteuer ausgenommen. "Es ist eine Vorsichtsmaßnahme, die uns erlaubt, unsere Wirtschaft aufrechtzuerhalten, während der Wert des Dollar weiter sinkt", so der republikanische Abgeordnete Brad Galvez, der das Gesetz im Repräsentantenhaus von Utah eingebracht hatte.

Brad Galvez, republikanischer Abgeordneter, will Gold und Silber als offizielles Zahlungsmittel in den USA einführen

Die Parlamentarier in Utah sind nicht allein mit ihrer Sorge, von der Verschwendungssucht in Washington ruiniert zu werden. 13 andere US-Bundesstaaten erwägen ähnliche Gesetze. In South Carolina forderte der Abgeordnete Mike Pitts sogar, dass der Dollar als Währung komplett abgeschafft werden solle. "Wenn die Bundesregierung weiter im gleichen Tempo wie bisher Geld ausgibt und wenn sie im gleichen Tempo wie bisher Geld druckt, wird unser Wirtschaftssystem kollabieren", ereiferte sich der Politiker aus dem Lager der populistischen Tea-Party-Bewegung, die eine Rückkehr zu den Werten der amerikanischen Gründerväter fordert.
Link zur aktuellen Abstimmung in Utah im The Salt Lake Tribune
Für Golden Peaks eine super Nachricht. Denn das Unternehmen betreibt in Indonesien mehrere extrem aussichtsreiche Goldprojekte. Und hinter Golden Peaks steht ein absolutes Erfolgsteam, das schon einmal mit einer Goldminenfirma in Indonesien sehr erfolgreich operiert hat: Robust Resources (AU:ROL). Von Juni 2008 bis Anfang 2011 schaffte man es, den Aktienkurs von wenigen Cent auf aktuell über 1,80 Australische Dollar zu steigern. Gelingt mit Golden Peaks eine Neuauflage von Robust Resources? Die Chancen dafür stehen gut!

Quelle: von


Golden Peaks Resources updates Indonesian gold projects

VANCOUVER, May 9 /CNW/ - Golden Peaks Resources Ltd. (TSX: GL) has announced that is has completed the acquisition of Reliance Resources Ltd. as part of a strategic shift in focus to Indonesia. The acquisition provides Golden Peaks with a diversified portfolio of five highly prospective gold projects covering 30,000 hectares in eastern Indonesia and a foothold in a region that hosts some of the world's largest gold projects. All of the projects are within close proximity to operating gold mines or defined resources within similar geological settings.
Golden Peaks' Indonesian portfolio comprises three exploration projects on Sulawesi Island, and two on Halmahera Island. Golden Peaks now controls the second largest land exploration package on Halmahera behind Newcrest Mining, which operates the Gosowong Mine that has a reported resource of 5.1 million ounces of gold to date. The five projects, with working interest of 75% to 90%, are valid licenses, as required under current Indonesian mining regulations.
"The acquisition of these properties provides Golden Peaks with a diversified portfolio of five highly prospective gold projects, including two at advanced stages of exploration," commented Scott Emerson, President of Golden Peaks. "Reliance's board and exploration team has a track record of success in Indonesia and they have done an excellent job in advancing these projects. By maintaining the continuity of this team, we can leverage the historical work completed by Reliance in pursuing our goal of building significant gold resources in Indonesia. In light of the completion of the acquisition of reliance and the Company's current focus its newly acquired Indonesian properties the Company has determined to record an impairment charge on its La Fortuna property".
Exploration Strategy
Golden Peaks aims to be part of the next wave of mining investment in Indonesia. Our prospects are focused in eastern Indonesia, a region that has seen most the country's mining activity in the past 15 years. Since 1995, five of the six metal mines to commence production are located in this region of Indonesia: Mesel (gold), Lanut (gold), Gosowong (gold),Lerokis (gold/copper)and BatuHijau (copper/gold). Two other gold projects, Bakan and Toka Tindung, are in development stage with production planned to commence within the next 12 months.
Of our five gold projects, three have been drill tested with one, Tanoyan, having undergone two phases of diamond drilling (44 drill holes). The most recent drilling at Tanoyan resulted in an initial NI 43-101 inferred resource of 2.22 million tonnes grading 1.3 g/t gold (91,100 ounces contained). A previous resource estimate prepared in 2009, which is not compliant with NI 43-101 but compliant with Australian Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC) requirements, placed the resource at 270,500 ounces of gold.
Sulawesi Island
The Tanoyan, Anggrek and Palopo projects have defined targets and the potential for near-term resource development and production. The projects cover an aggregate of approximately 19,650 hectares on Sulawesi Island, a province known to be gold-rich for over a century. Exploration since the 1980s has led to the discovery of a number of large gold deposits on the island.
Tanoyan (750 hectares; 75% interest)
  • Initial 43-101 resource estimate of 91,100 oz gold
  • Four shallow epithermal gold-bearing vein systems identified to date
  • Strike length traced over 2.3km
Gold mineralization at Tanoyan is located in four principal lode systems. These are typically characterized by quartz veining, vein breccias and silicification within an argillic alteration envelope. Gold mineralization is typically associated with pyrite and arsenopyrite in the lode zones.
A technical report prepared by CSA (Global) of Perth, Western Australia, estimates an NI 43-101 compliant inferred mineral resource of approximately of 2.2 million tonnes grading 1.3 g/t gold, 91,100 contained ounces. However, this estimate excludes two of the best three drill intersections because of wide drill-hole spacing. Moreover, it only extrapolated veins in strike and dip to a maximum of 100 metres below surface.
The potential also exists to discover high-grade "shoots" or "bonanza lodes" within the main vein zones. These could increase the overall grade of the deposit and add significantly to the total gold inventory and enhance the project economics.
Palopo (8,096 hectares; 90% interest)
  • Drill intersections include 2 metres of 115 g/t gold, 2 metres of 18.3 g/t gold and 8.4 metres of 7.5 g/t gold
  • Strike lengths up to 500 metres with multiple quartz-sulphide veins
  • Mesothermal vein system located near Awak Mas deposit (1.7M oz gold)
Six main prospects have been identified on the Palopo project. On the main Mangkaluku prospect, four zones contain multiple quartz-sulphide veins, with individual veins having strike lengths up to 500 meters.
Drilling highlights from the Eastern and Western zones of this widely spaced scout drilling include:
  • Hole MLD001: 10m at 1.1g/t gold
  • Hole MLD004: 6m at 3.9g/t gold
  • Hole MLD006: 5m at 2.5g/t gold and 11m at 2.65g/t
  • Hole MLD007: 12m at 3.5g/t gold
  • Hole MLD008: 2m at 18.0g/t gold and 4.5m at 5.7g/t gold and 9m at 3.9g/t gold
  • Hole MLD008: 6m at 3.2g/t gold
Higher grade mineralization occurs in at least two zones over a strike length of more than 500 metres, with drill intersections from surface to 250 - 300 metres in depth. One of the most significant intersections is also one of the deepest, MK01 with 8.4 metres at 7.5 g/t gold from 249 metres.
Previous trenching outlined wide intersections of significant gold mineralization including:
  • MLT029: 18.1m @ 13.9 g/t Au and 5.4m @ 11.1 g/t Au
  • MLT030: 3.1m @  8.2 g/t Au and  6.0m @  4.7 g/t Au
  • MLT033: 18.0m @  6.8 g/t Au and  6.0m @ 16.0 g/t Au
  • MLT039: 36.0m @  6.8 g/t Au incl 9.0m @ 16.6 g/t Au
  • MLT046: 3.0m @ 39.5 g/t Au and  5.0m @ 16.1 g/t Au and 13.4m @ 10.7 g/t Au
Initial field exploration in 2011 indicates the presence of prospective dilational zones within quartz veins, the significance of which have not been recognised by previous explorers. The highest-grade drill intersection at Mangkaluku (MLD005; 2m @ 115.0 g/t Au) is located within one of these interpreted dilational zones.
An initial drill 5,000-metre drilling program will follow-up high-grade intersections and provide a framework for recognizing controls of high-grade mineralization within the lode systems.
Anggrek (900 hectares; 75% interest)
  • Limited exploration work (surface sampling and mapping)
  • Samples include 46.0 g/t gold and 10.2 g/t gold
Past exploration of Anggrek, primarily regional mapping and sampling programs, has outlined six zones of alteration and gold mineralization. These are hosted by quartz veins in hydrothermal breccias and fault breccia zones which are up to 20 metres in width and can be traced up to 1.2 kilometres along strike. Grab samples include 46.0 g/t gold from the Maleo Zone and 10.2 g/t gold from the TongTong Zone.
Anggrek is at a preliminary stage of exploration and future work will focus on understanding the gold-bearing mineral system with the aim of delineating targets for follow-up drill testing.
Halmahera Island
Western Halmahera Island represents a highly prospective but relatively under-explored island arc province with one of the highest-grade underground gold mines, Newcrest's Gosowong, currently operating anywhere in the world (28 g/t gold average). Golden Peaks is the second largest landholder in western Halmahera after Newcrest Mining.
Both the Roko and KapaKapa projects are located within the island arc terrain and contain significant evidence of gold-bearing, epithermal-style mineralization. These early-stage exploration projects cover approximately 17,675 hectares.
KapaKapa (5,000 hectares; 90% interest)
  • epithermal vein system similar to Gosowong
  • previous trenching intersected high gold values
  • 3 follow up scout holes by Newcrest Mining intersected potentially ore-grade mineralization
KapaKapa is located near the tip of the northern peninsula of Halmahera Island, approximately 35 kilometres northeast of the Roko project. Reconnaissance and geochemical sampling have outlined two areas of anomalous gold mineralization: one consisting of epithermal gold veins associated with intense hydrothermal alteration and hydrothermal brecciation, the other consisting of sediment-hosted mineralization.
Previous exploration within the headwaters of Pediwang Creek and Gisi Creek outlined a zone of hydrothermal alteration with anomalous gold mineralization hosted by veined and brecciated volcanics and volcaniclastics. The zone is at least 1,200 metres in length and up to 300 metres wide. The best results from chip sampling along creek exposures and hand-dug trenches include 10 metres at 6.4 g/t gold, 16 metres at 5.1 g/t gold and 42 metres at 1.1 g/t gold.
Newcrest also drilled three scout holes, totalling 620 metres, in late1998. Hole KKD-1 intersected 10 meters at 6.4g/t gold and 16 metres at 5.1g/t gold. Hole KKD-2 intersected anomalous gold mineralization, with a best assay result of 1.7m @ 0.3g/t Au from 127.0m. Hole KKD-3 intersections included 12.9 metres at 1.3g/t gold from 48.6 metres, including 6 metres at 2.7 g/t gold.
The exploration strategy at KapaKapa will be to undertake detailed mapping and soil sampling to better define the Pediwang Creek zone of hydrothermal breccia/epithermal veining. This data will be used for a drill program designed to follow-up previous scout drilling.
Roko (12,890 hectares, 82.5% interest)
  • Similar geological setting to Gosowong
  • Large epithermal system 3km in length open to south
Two zones have identified, Roko West and Roko East. Roko is a highly prospective exploration target possessing similarities to the geological setting to the Gosowong mine. Work to-date has only been at the reconnaissance stage. A current work program entails detailed mapping to define the most prospective zones of the hydrothermal breccias to provide targets for a planned drill program.
Golden Peaks executive and board of directors was restructured following the acquisition of Reliance Resources.
"Our new leadership team has a track record of success in Indonesia and a proven ability to identify and develop valuable exploration assets," noted Gary Lewis. "Reliance's in-country team includes a senior geologist, senior logistics officer, senior field assistant, community relations consultant and the necessary administrative support. Additionally, all necessary infrastructure has been set up, including accommodation, communications and logistical support for exploration activities."
This press release has been reviewed and approved by Mr. John Levings, B.Sc., MAusIMM, director of Reliance Resources Limited and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, under whose direction the exploration programs are being carried out.
The statements herein that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. These statements address future events and conditions and so involve inherent risks and uncertainties, as disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" in the company's periodic filings with Canadian securities regulators. Actual results could differ from those currently projected. The Company does not assume the obligation to update any forward-looking statement.

Media Information, contact:  Investor Information, contact:
Scott Emerson, Chairman and Director  Mike Kordysz, Investor Communications 



VANCOUVER, April 1 /CNW/ - Golden Peaks Resources Ltd. (TSX: GL) (the "Company" or "Golden Peaks") is pleased to report that it has completed the acquisition (the "Acquisition") of Reliance Resources Limited ("Reliance") effective March 31, 2011, pursuant to which the Company acquired all of the outstanding shares of Reliance in consideration for the issuance of approximately 62.7 million shares.

William Lee and Kieran Downes have resigned as directors of the Company and have been replaced with Gary Lewis, John Levings and Ian Mitchell. Kieran Downes has also resigned as President and Chief Executive Officer and has been replaced by Gary Lewis as Chief Executive Officer. Scott Emerson has resigned as Chairman and has been replaced by Gary Lewis as Chairman. Scott Emerson has been appointed as President. Management would like to thank Messrs Downes and Lee for their valuable contributions to the Company over the years. 

Concurrent with the closing of the Acquisition, the Company also announces that the 4,000,000 subscription receipts that were issued under the Company's brokered private placement that closed on March 1, 2011 which raised gross proceeds to the Company of $2,000,000 will now automatically be exchanged into 4,000,0000 common shares and 2,000,000 share purchase warrants of the Company. Each warrant entitles the holder to acquire one common share of the Company at an exercise price of $0.65 until March 1, 2012. The gross proceeds of the Financing which had been held in escrow have now been released to the Company. 

Macquarie Private Wealth Inc. (the "Agent") was engaged by the Company as the agent in connection with the Financing. The Company has paid to the Agent a cash commission of $140,000 from the proceeds of the Financing held in escrow and has issued to the Agent non-transferable warrants that entitle the Agent to acquire up to 250,000 common shares of the Company at an exercise price of $0.65 per common share at any time until March 1, 2012

The statements herein that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements.  These statements address future events and conditions and so involve inherent risks and uncertainties, as disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" in the company's periodic filings with Canadian securities regulators.  Actual results could differ from those currently projected.  The Company does not assume the obligation to update any forward-looking statement.

Sehr gute News für Golden Peaks - !! NEU

Golden Peaks / TSX: GL / WKN: 905815
Aufmerksame Beobachter haben die gestrige Nachricht aus den USA vielleicht gelesen: Der US-Bundesstaat Utah hat ein Gesetz verabschiedet, das die Einführung von Gold und Silber als offizielles Zahlungsmittel vorsieht. Die Kaufkraft von Münzen wird dabei nicht nach ihrem Nennwert berechnet, sondern nach dem tatsächlichen Materialwert. In dem Gesetz verbirgt sich auch ein attraktiver Sparplan: Steigt der Marktwert gehorteter Goldmünzen, sind Gewinne von der Kapitalertragsteuer ausgenommen. "Es ist eine Vorsichtsmaßnahme, die uns erlaubt, unsere Wirtschaft aufrechtzuerhalten, während der Wert des Dollar weiter sinkt", so der republikanische Abgeordnete Brad Galvez, der das Gesetz im Repräsentantenhaus von Utah eingebracht hatte.

Brad Galvez, republikanischer Abgeordneter, will Gold und Silber als offizielles Zahlungsmittel in den USA einführen

Bildquelle: Brad Galvez

Die Parlamentarier in Utah sind nicht allein mit ihrer Sorge, von der Verschwendungssucht in Washington ruiniert zu werden. 13 andere US-Bundesstaaten erwägen ähnliche Gesetze. In South Carolina forderte der Abgeordnete Mike Pitts sogar, dass der Dollar als Währung komplett abgeschafft werden solle. "Wenn die Bundesregierung weiter im gleichen Tempo wie bisher Geld ausgibt und wenn sie im gleichen Tempo wie bisher Geld druckt, wird unser Wirtschaftssystem kollabieren", ereiferte sich der Politiker aus dem Lager der populistischen Tea-Party-Bewegung, die eine Rückkehr zu den Werten der amerikanischen Gründerväter fordert.
Link zur aktuellen Abstimmung in Utah im The Salt Lake Tribune
Für Golden Peaks eine super Nachricht. Denn das Unternehmen betreibt in Indonesien mehrere extrem aussichtsreiche Goldprojekte. Und hinter Golden Peaks steht ein absolutes Erfolgsteam, das schon einmal mit einer Goldminenfirma in Indonesien sehr erfolgreich operiert hat: Robust Resources (AU:ROL). Von Juni 2008 bis Anfang 2011 schaffte man es, den Aktienkurs von wenigen Cent auf aktuell über 1,80 Australische Dollar zu steigern. Gelingt mit Golden Peaks eine Neuauflage von Robust Resources? Die Chancen dafür stehen gut!

Ihr Team von



Golden Peaks unterwegs im neuen Gold-Eldorado

Golden Peaks / TSX: GL / WKN: 905 815

Wer an der Börse viel Geld verdienen will, muss frühzeitig die großen Trends erkennen. Trends, die die Welt auf gesellschaftlicher, wirtschaftlicher und/oder technischer Ebene umfassend und nachhaltig verändern. Das Internetportal hat sich dem Ziel verschrieben, diese Veränderungen frühzeitig herauszufiltern und seinen Lesern vorzustellen.

Top-Argument 1: Goldvorkommen in Indonesien

Wir wollen Ihnen nun einen weiteren potenziellen Top-Wert vorstellen: Golden Peaks. Was macht dieses Unternehmen zu einem Top-Wert? Golden Peaks hat Anfang November 2010 die entscheidende Meldung veröffentlicht, die uns aufhorchen ließ. Man gab den geplanten Kauf der privaten Gesellschaft Reliance Resources bekannt. Dieser Kauf ist nun weitestgehend abgewickelt.

Und Reliance, das ist das erste wichtige Top-Argument, hat Goldvorkommen in Indonesien. Das südostasiatische Inselreich gehört unter geologischen Gesichtspunkten zu den aussichtreichst en Schürfgebieten in den kommenden Jahrzehnten. Abgesehen davon, dass es zur asiatischen Boomregion mit den Führungsnationen China und Indien gehört, erstreckt es sich zudem auf einer tektonisch hochbrisanten Formation. Vulkane bestimmen das Bild, und diese haben in den zurückliegenden Jahrmillionen entscheidend zur Bildung von großen Goldablagerungen beigetragen. Insider sprechen von einem neuen Goldeldorado, wo es noch viel zu entdecken gibt.

Top-Argument 2: Ein bewährtes Team

Kommen wir nun schnell zum Top-Argument Nummer 3. Die neuen Goldvorkommen von Golden Peaks in Indonesien sind erstklassig, weil hochgradig! Davon zeugt die letzte Meldung, die erst vor wenigen Tagen über die Ticker lief. Für das Projekt Palopo auf der indonesischen Insel Sulawesi wurden in Zusammenhang mit einem anlaufenden Bohrprogramm die Daten aus früheren Untersuchungen bekannt gegeben. Und die beeindrucken. In einem Bohrloch konnte man zum Beispiel auf einer Länge von zwei Metern einen Goldgehalt von durchschnittlich 115 Gramm je Tonne nachweisen. In einem anderen waren es auf einer Länge von neun Metern immerhin noch 16,6 Gramm Gold je Tonne.
Top-Argument 4: Nachrichtenfluss als KurstreiberUnd Palopo ist nicht das einzige Projekt, auf dem derzeit intensiv gearbeitet wird. Ein anderes ist zum Beispiel Tanoyan auf der Nachbarinsel Hamlahera. Auch hier laufen derzeit Bohrungen, um die bislang bekannten Vorkommen von 91.100 Unzen systematisch auszuweiten.

Projektübersicht von Golden Peaks

Bildquelle: Golden Peaks

Insgesamt verfolgt Golden Peaks fünf Goldprojekte, die auf den beiden indonesischen Inseln Sulawesi und Halmahera angesiedelt sind. Auf Halmahera ist man nach Newcrest Mining der größte Minenlandbesitzer. Newcrest betreibt dort die Untertagebaumine Gosowong, die auf 2,8 Millionen Unzen Goldressourcen und 2,3 Millionen Unzen Goldreserven kommt. Mit durchschnittlich 19 beziehungsweise 15 Gramm Gold je Tonne eine sehr gehaltvolle Mine. Ähnliche Daten erhofft man sich auch von den beiden Vorkommen von Golden Peaks, Kapa Kapa und Roko. Kenner der Goldszene zeigen sich zuversichtlich, dass beide Projekte großes Entwicklungspotenzial besitzen.

Aus dieser Konstellation lässt sich, und damit kommen wir zum Top-Argument Nummer 4, folgern, dass wir bei Golden Peaks in den kommenden Wochen und Monaten mit einem vollen Nachrichtenfluss zu rechnen haben. Gute Voraussetzung für den Aktienkurs.

Nach der vollständigen Übernahme von Reliance durch Golden Peaks wird man rund 115 Millionen Aktien (fully diluted) ausstehen haben. Bei einem aktuellen Kurs von 0,85 Kanadischen Dollar macht das eine Marktkapitalisierung von 97,8 Millionen Kanadischen Dollar.


Golden Peaks - neue Firmeninfos

  is a progressive international exploration and resource development company with its primary focus in Indonesia and strategic development holdings in Argentina.

As reported November 2, 2010 the Company has signed a Letter of Intent (the "LOI") to acquire 100% of Reliance Resources Limited ("Reliance"), an unlisted Australian public company, which holds the rights to five advanced gold exploration permits on the islands of Sulawesi and Halmahera in eastern Indonesia.

The Reliance portfolio comprises of three exploration projects on Sulawesi Island, with a JORC inferred resource, defined targets and the potential for near-term resource development and production; and two exploration projects on the island of Halmahera, 70km north of Newcrest Mining's high-grade, profitable Gosowong gold mine ( 5M oz average 24g/t Au). Reliance has the second largest landholding behind Newcrest on Halmahera.

Reliance holds a majority (75-90%) interest in these five gold tenements, covering 30,000 hectares. All five projects are within close proximity to operating gold mines or defined resources with similar geological settings. Importantly, all projects have been converted to IUP tenements as required under the new Indonesian Mining Act (2009).

The La Fortuna gold project is located in the Province of Chubut, Argentina, 1,300 km south of Buenos Aires. The La Fortuna gold project is located in the same region as Pan American Silver Corps' Navidad discovery. The claims covering the La Fortuna gold deposits have been legally surveyed and the Company holds 100% title to the claims through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Golden Peaks Minera S.A.




VANCOUVER - Golden Peaks Resources Ltd. (TSX: GL) (the "Company") is pleased to report that it has received conditional acceptance for the acquisition of Indonesian-focused gold exploration company Reliance Resources Limited ("Reliance") (November 2, 2010). Final closing is subject to standard closing conditions.


* Final closing subject to standard closing conditions
* Transaction completion expected shortly
* Initial 5,000m drill program to commence next month

Reliance holds the rights to five advanced gold exploration permits, covering 30,000 hectares, on the islands of Sulawesi and Halmahera in eastern Indonesia. All projects have been converted to IUP tenements as required under the new Indonesian Mining Act (2009).

The Reliance portfolio comprises three exploration projects on Sulawesi Island, and two areas on the island of Halmahera, 70km north of Newcrest Mining's high-grade, world-class Gosowong gold mine. Reliance has the second largest landholding behind Newcrest on Halmahera.

All five projects are within close proximity to operating gold mines or defined resources with similar geological settings.

As reported November 23, 2010, a 5,000 metre drilling program is expected to commence in mid-December at the Tanoyan project on Sulawesi.

Golden Peaks' Chairman Scott Emerson added: "Receiving conditional acceptance for the acquisition of Reliance is an important milestone in completing this transaction. We expect the acquisition to be finalised shortly.

"Also encouraging is the progress Reliance is already making in Indonesia. Drilling at Tanoyan is on-track to commence shortly".

The statements herein that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. These statements address future events and conditions and so involve inherent risks and uncertainties, as disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" in the company's periodic filings with Canadian securities regulators. Actual results could differ from those currently projected. The Company does not assume the obligation to update any forward-looking statement.

SOURCE Golden Peaks Resources Ltd.



 Press Release Source: Golden Peaks Resources Ltd. On Tuesday November 23, 2010, 2:21 pm EST

VANCOUVER, Nov. 23 /CNW/ - Golden Peaks Resources Ltd. (TSX: GL - News; the "Company") is pleased to
 provide an update regarding Reliance Resources Limited's ("Reliance") exploration activities in Indonesia.



     --  Significant progress made on proposed acquisition of Reliance Resources
  o Due diligence and definitive legal agreements well advanced
  o 43-101 technical report complete
     --  Reliance taken delivery of two company-owned diamond drill rigs;
         drilling to commence at Tanoyan and Palopo projects, Sulawesi
  o Initial 5,000m drill program to build on inferred resource at Tanoyan
  o Expands infrastructure, communications and logistical support
     As reported on 2 November, Golden Peaks announced the proposed
acquisition of Reliance, an unlisted Australian public company, which holds
the rights to five prospective gold exploration permits on the islands of
Sulawesi and Halmahera in eastern Indonesia. Significant progress has been
made to progress the transaction, and Golden Peaks expects to complete the
acquisition of Reliance in the near term.
     Reliance has advised Golden Peaks that in mid-December it will commence
drilling at both the Tanoyan and Palopo prospects on the Island of Sulawesi.
     To view Figure 1: Map of Indonesia highlighting magmatic arcs, major
mines and Reliance properties, please visit:
     Two company-owned diamond drill rigs have been purchased and are now
being assembled and tested before being shipped up to site. An initial 5,000
metre program is planned for Tanoyan, commencing in December, with the aim of
building on the inferred mineral resource. Assay results will be reported
throughout the drilling program.
     Reliance already has a dedicated team on-site at all of its main prospect
areas including a Senior Geologist, a Senior Logistics Officer, a Senior Field
Assistant, a Community Relations Consultant and the necessary administrative
support. Additionally, all necessary infrastructure has been set up including
accommodation, communications and logistical support to support exploration
     Reliance also has an active exploration program for the remainder of the
fourth quarter of calendar year 2010 to advance its other projects in
Indonesia. Works including geological mapping, trenching, sampling and
modelling of vein systems have been planned.
     Scott Emerson commented: "We are pleased with the progress we have made
with this transaction in such a short period of time, and we are very
confident of completing all due diligence and documentation in the near term.
It is also pleasing to note that Reliance will shortly commence drilling
activities on two of its advanced gold projects in Indonesia. This presents an
exciting opportunity for Golden Peaks' shareholders and we look forward to
learning more about the results of these initial drilling programs.
     "Reliance Chairman Gary Lewis added: "We have fast-tracked exploration
activities at Tanoyan in order to build on the existing inferred mineral
resource, and we are ahead of schedule. We also expect to complete a number of
other exploration milestones before the end of the year which will result in
an increased drilling program for calendar 2011."
     The statements herein that are not historical facts are forward-looking
statements. These statements address future events and conditions and so
involve inherent risks and uncertainties, as disclosed under the heading "Risk
Factors" in the company's periodic filings with Canadian securities
regulators. Actual results could differ from those currently projected. The
Company does not assume the obligation to update any forward-looking

For further information

Media Information, contact Investor Information, contact: Scott Emerson,
Chairman and Director Mike Kordysz,
Investor Communications
