Showing posts with label EUR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EUR. Show all posts

Sehr gute News für Golden Peaks

Sehr gute News für Golden Peaks

Golden Peaks / TSX: GL / WKN: 905815
Aufmerksame Beobachter haben die gestrige Nachricht aus den USA vielleicht gelesen: Der US-Bundesstaat Utah hat ein Gesetz verabschiedet, das die Einführung von Gold und Silber als offizielles Zahlungsmittel vorsieht. Die Kaufkraft von Münzen wird dabei nicht nach ihrem Nennwert berechnet, sondern nach dem tatsächlichen Materialwert. In dem Gesetz verbirgt sich auch ein attraktiver Sparplan: Steigt der Marktwert gehorteter Goldmünzen, sind Gewinne von der Kapitalertragsteuer ausgenommen. "Es ist eine Vorsichtsmaßnahme, die uns erlaubt, unsere Wirtschaft aufrechtzuerhalten, während der Wert des Dollar weiter sinkt", so der republikanische Abgeordnete Brad Galvez, der das Gesetz im Repräsentantenhaus von Utah eingebracht hatte.

Brad Galvez, republikanischer Abgeordneter, will Gold und Silber als offizielles Zahlungsmittel in den USA einführen

Die Parlamentarier in Utah sind nicht allein mit ihrer Sorge, von der Verschwendungssucht in Washington ruiniert zu werden. 13 andere US-Bundesstaaten erwägen ähnliche Gesetze. In South Carolina forderte der Abgeordnete Mike Pitts sogar, dass der Dollar als Währung komplett abgeschafft werden solle. "Wenn die Bundesregierung weiter im gleichen Tempo wie bisher Geld ausgibt und wenn sie im gleichen Tempo wie bisher Geld druckt, wird unser Wirtschaftssystem kollabieren", ereiferte sich der Politiker aus dem Lager der populistischen Tea-Party-Bewegung, die eine Rückkehr zu den Werten der amerikanischen Gründerväter fordert.
Link zur aktuellen Abstimmung in Utah im The Salt Lake Tribune
Für Golden Peaks eine super Nachricht. Denn das Unternehmen betreibt in Indonesien mehrere extrem aussichtsreiche Goldprojekte. Und hinter Golden Peaks steht ein absolutes Erfolgsteam, das schon einmal mit einer Goldminenfirma in Indonesien sehr erfolgreich operiert hat: Robust Resources (AU:ROL). Von Juni 2008 bis Anfang 2011 schaffte man es, den Aktienkurs von wenigen Cent auf aktuell über 1,80 Australische Dollar zu steigern. Gelingt mit Golden Peaks eine Neuauflage von Robust Resources? Die Chancen dafür stehen gut!

Quelle: von


Golden Peaks Drilling Underway on Tanoyan Gold Project, Indonesia - Golden Peaks Resources Limited (TSX:GL) is in the final stages of completing its 100% acquisition of Reliance Resources Limited (Reliance), and upon completion of the transaction, the company will own a 75% interest in the Tanoyan Gold Project on Sulawesi Island Indonesia.

The company is also pleased to confirm that Reliance has commenced drilling at the Tanoyan Project (Figure 1) after extensive site work and preparatory activity which has been ongoing since December 2010 in readiness for this initial 5,000-metre drill program.

This drill program will be the first phase of drilling by Reliance and is designed to expand the initial 43-101 compliant inferred mineral resource of 91,000 ounces announced on January 13, 2011, and is expected to outline further mineralisation with drilling between sections and down-dip from previous exploration by Avocet Mining PLC (Avocet). Their previous exploration on the property included a drill program that totalled 44 diamond drill holes (6007 meters) as well geological mapping, IP geophysical surveys and trenching.

The initial focus of this drill program will be to follow-up high-grade intersections from the previous work to provide a framework for recognizing controls of high-grade mineralisation within the lode systems. Avocet's drilling was too widely spaced to allow modelling of interpreted high-grade shoots.

The first holes are designed to test for extensions of high-grade mineralisation intersected by Avocet within the Sondana Vein in hole TND002 (Figure 2) which intersected four zones of mineralisation, including 10m @ 8.81 g/t Au from 31m and 20m @ 3.1 g/t Au from 138m.

The company believes the  samples from the diamond drilling programs used in the Mineral Resource estimate are considered to be of good quality and no factors which may have resulted in sample bias are evident. Based on the steeply dipping style of the mineralisation, the interpreted widths recorded at surface are considered to closely reflect the true widths

Reliance has purchased two new diamond drill rigs and will initially use one at Tanoyan and the other at the Palopo Gold Project in South Sulawesi, currently two more drill rigs are on order. The drill rigs will be operated by an Indonesian drilling contrac

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"Corporate Presentation"

A second page has been added to the "Corporate Presentation" on the GL web site and it provides an insight as to the planned executive / board immediately after the close of the acquisition. There are some other potential updates to this from what I understand, but it is a good starting point: Here is a link to the document:


Chubut may amend mining law by year end

American silver’s navidad project
Chubut may amend mining law by year end

By Peter Johnson
Herald staff

The province of Chubut will likely introduce a key change to its mining law by the end of this year, Pan American Silver CEO Geoff Burns said on Thursday in Vancouver.
The change would enable the company to go ahead with its Navidad project in Chubut although as the provincial law stands at the moment it bans all openpit mining, as well as the use of cyanide in operations.
The company said earlier this year it hoped to see progress on legislative changes by mid-2010 that would allow the openpit mine to move ahead.
But Burns said on a conference call on Thursday, that he had met with the governor of Chubut in late June, and was pleased with the discussions that took place.
The details of the talks were confidential, ‘but I will say that I know the government is completely aware of our progress and schedules for the development of Navidad,‘ Burns said.
‘And I remain absolutely confident that the needed amendment to the current mining law that will allow us to proceed will be introduced before the end of this year.‘
The province of Chubut, especially the residents of the village of Esquel, have been outspoken opponents of mining in the province, to such a point that back in 2003 they halted the development of a gold mine owned then by Meridian Gold, which was to be developed not too far from the village.
This time round Panamerican may be luckier as the Navidad mine is located on the arid Patagonian plateau and is far away from the andean region where Esquel is located and which is becoming a growing tourist attraction.
Satellite maps of the Navidad area show no built up area for miles around it.
