The Act would reform in April 5001 prohibiting Mining Activity

The government plans to reform the 5001 Act, which prohibits "metal mining in open pit method and the use of cyanide in mining production processes" in the month of April and if you get the victory in the general elections scheduled for March 20. The most insistent and spoken versions of an alleged agreement "extra-party" with the composition of the current Legislature to give the green light to the reform. 

The 5001 Act was enacted a month after the March 2003 plebiscite, in which the population of the city of Esquel Chubut overwhelmingly rejected a proposed gold mining company Meridian Gold also Canadian, as defined by the specialist in Luis Claps miners in an article posted on his blog "Dirty Gold."

In the center of the project strategy is the famous "Christmas", with an estimated value in 3500 million dollars and ram from another project, also billionaires, whose lobbying power is already being felt, as befits underground activity on the political activity in Chubut.

Signals about what is being prepared as soon as summer ends, there in abundance. For example, the mayor of Gastre, Rolando Jara, said the company "is waiting for the law", referring to the new regulatory framework that is defining the Government, and could get to be in the next administration. "They are ready for you when given a signal, tear" in his statements to the newspaper El Chubut.

Gastre Area, "I dare say there are about five mining projects in addition to Christmas, and we are stepping up with gold, copper, uranium, silver, whatever you ask in ore. For the side that always go there is an expectation when they walk the miners, that something in, "enthused the village headman.

As an extra influence, but powerful too, including the phenomenon of drought in the Central Plateau of Chubut, which has put many small farmers and villagers in the border of destitution.

These legitimate emergency, they may end giving support to other emergencies, not so holy.The good part from the political leadership, eager to open the door to the millions of mining companies.

