Golden Peaks Res WKN: 905815 - Es geht mit Volldampf weiter!


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Property Sizes
Tanoyan - 1,853 acres (750 Ha)
Anggrek - 2,223 acres (900 Ha)

Tanoyan and Anggrek Properties (Sulawesi Island )


Both properties are located on the northern arm of Sulawesi Island, a highly prospective terrain for epithermal gold mineralisation with a number of significant gold deposits. These include Avocet's North Lanut (0.79 Moz), Doup (0.96 Moz) and Bakan (0.51 Moz) deposits, Archipelago's Toka Tindung deposit (1.75 MOz) and Newmont's former Mesel gold mine which produced over 1.5 Moz of gold.

The Tanoyan property is the more advanced of the two properties and a mineral resource has been estimated for this property. (see 43-101 Technical Report)

Gold mineralisation at Tanoyan is located in four principal lode systems, Sondana, Ramai, Talong-Modupola and Lingkobungon, which are predominantly orientated northeast to southwest and dip steeply to the northwest or southeast. The lode systems are typically characterised by quartz veining, vein breccias and silicification within an argillic alteration envelope. Gold mineralisation is typically associated with pyrite and arsenopyrite in the lode zones.

Previous exploration programs include soil sampling, an Inverse Polarisation geophysical survey, and mapping which defined the four lode systems. Thirty two trenches were excavated and two phases of diamond drilling completed. ( 44 holes total of 6007m.)

Location and Access

Both properties are easily accessed from the regional city of Kotamobagu, which is 250km by good quality sealed road from Manado, the provincial capital of North Sulawesi. Manado has a population in excess of 2 million people and is serviced by frequent daily flights from Jakarta.

The Tanoyan property is adjacent to the village of Tanoyan which is an approximate 30 minute drive from Kotamobagu on a good quality sealed road. Access within the property is by four wheel drive vehicle on unsealed roads from Tanoyan village.

The Anggrek property is approximately one hour's drive from Kotamobagu on good quality roads. Access within the tenement is by four wheel drive vehicle on a new dirt road recently constructed.

Climate in the area is tropical with similar temperatures and high humidity all year round. Annual rainfall is approximately 2000mm which falls mainly in a wet season between December and March. The area is outside the typhoon/cyclone zone and exploration and mining can be conducted all year round.

Both Projects have a maximum elevation of app. 700 meters ASL 